An attempt at Muldowney capturing the all-time record for female drivers was announced two years ago when the idea to build the car was first formulated. "I won't be driving that car," Muldowney
"I've recently joined a group that has a lot of plans for me in 2016 and beyond, and I won't have the time to learn how to drive a speed record car or to make all of the necessary passes. My schedule simply won't allow for it. I'm no longer associated with this land speed project in any way."
Muldowney, 75, a drag racing pioneer with four world titles who broke numerous barriers for female participants beginning in the 1960s, plans to be at numerous NHRA events next season. Known as "the First Lady of Drag Racing," Muldowney's life reaching the top of the sport was made into the iconic movie "Heart Like a Wheel."
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